


League: Premier
Team: Viking_FK
Days in game: 5626
on the team account: 213 876 149 180 $

Experience of team: 1519.725/1500
Quantity of footballers: 24
Salary expenses for all footballers: 602 670 200 $
Stadium: 250 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 11
goalkeepers GK
99 Radek Vitek 65.535 2533 14 599 200 1026
full-backs D
2 Kenny Tete 65.535 0 30 729 500 920
  Olivier Aertssen 65.535 1296 26 063 000 920
  Kristoffer Lund 65.535 0 23 337 400 920
half-backs MD
  Cheick Souare 65.535 168 35 498 200 854
77 Joao Mario 65.535 86 26 208 100 471
  Marius Sivertsen Broholm 65.535 1011 24 380 500 971
forwards FC
  Vaclav Cerny 65.535 919 34 449 400 920
21 Jenya Ivaxnenko   65.535 828 34 079 100 920
  Fermin Lopez 65.535 1108 33 243 800 921
22 Niclas Fullkrug 65.535 2957 15 767 200 921
reserve: 13
goalkeepers GK
1 Mile Svilar     65.535 67 29 172 900 505
2 Norberto Neto   57.460 0 27 925 000 0
full-backs D
  Alvaro Henry   62.620 0 23 815 200 39
  Abdoulaye Ndiaye   62.795 0 25 711 800 46
2 Alessandro Zanoli   46.305 0 22 165 000 40
24 Tayvon Gray   61.790 0 20 194 600 0
half-backs MD
  Tom Lacoux   63.965 0 18 991 300 0
  Tristan Gooijer   63.815 0 25 297 900 0
8 Sergi Altimira   62.965 0 22 253 700 0
forwards FC
  Kasey McAteer   63.050 13 23 830 300 0
  Dilane Bakwa   62.870 3 22 276 600 2
5 Sebastiano Esposito   62.825 0 21 050 800 0
  Djeidi Gassama   62.845 0 21 629 700 0
total: 24 / 25 1519.725   602 670 200  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 212.987 156.19
center 56.796 141.991
right flank 212.987 156.19
Power of stuff: 937.145
trainer Claude Puel (5 lvl)
Official matches: wins/losses 5.0790 games: 6772
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 1.4855 games: 85118
The number of won private leagues: 65

Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
Argentina   1 202 500 151  
Australia   32 876 763  
Austria   320  
Azerbaijan   449  
Brazil   1 803  
Chile   4 779 156  
Colombia   9 624  
Egypt   1 256 254  
England   898  
France   6 189  
Germany   4 708  
Ghana   5 720  
Greece   731  
Italy   7 608  
Japan   1 979  
Mexico   1 839 327  
Moldova   377  
Netherlands   102 164 647  
Nigeria   1 084 351  
Norway   426 820  
Paraguay   3 148 882  
Poland   4 083  
Portugal   952 203  
Romania   637  
Russia   739  
South Africa   1 018 271 573  
Spain   1 262  
Turkey   3 094  
USA   1 047 330 461  
Ukraine   705  
Uruguay   1 035 658 877  
Venezuela   27 172 863  
total   92468 4 479 513 254 3