


League: First A
Team: Unics-Kazan
Days in game: 5499
last login 21 days ago
on the team account: 492 356 850 $

Experience of team: 72.168/200
Quantity of footballers: 21
Salary expenses for all footballers: 34 809 900 $
Stadium: Уникс-Казань 250 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 11
goalkeepers GK
4 Dillon Phillips 8.090 0 4 524 000 253
full-backs D
1 Jack Simpson 8.915 0 4 518 100 154
1 Glenn Belezika 8.915 0 4 518 100 154
  Kevin Wright 5.915 0 1 518 100 154
half-backs MD
74 Charlie Joyce 6.750 0 1 500 000 26
38 Curtis Thompson 6.260 1 1 508 700 103
forwards FC
  Hugo Logan 1.056 96 1 635 500 996
33 Ryan Colclough 3.823 105 4 638 600 1030
39 Stevie Humphrys 3.380 77 4 637 000 1056
  Reo Griffiths 6.330 3 1 509 700 94
84 Daniel Antony Rose 4.370 7 210 500 94
reserve: 10
goalkeepers GK
44 Dean Snedker   2.130 0 248 200 431
full-backs D
6 Danny Ball     0.528 0 274 400 659
2 Kelvin Mellor   0.689 0 267 300 630
1 Jason Field   0.649 0 285 400 684
half-backs MD
23 Josh Todd     0.764 10 285 700 671
75 Kieran Djilali   0.784 6 258 600 590
21 Rashid Yussuff   0.602 28 355 300 868
58 David Mellor   0.629 13 273 600 651
84 Kyle Wilkie   0.850 11 262 000 594
83 Bradley Potts   0.739 12 1 581 100 877
total: 21 / 25 72.168   34 809 900  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 10.075 9.3
center 11.184 29.883
right flank 13.198 9.3
Power of stuff: 82.942
trainer Craig Madden (1 lvl)
Official matches: wins/losses 0.7058 games: 7750
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 1.1152 games: 35566
The number of won private leagues: 23
Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
Argentina   93  
Armenia   96  
Australia   33  
Austria   27  
Azerbaijan   73  
Belarus   7  
Belgium   115  
Brazil   81  
Bulgaria   39  
Cameroon   18  
Chile   268  
Colombia   0  
Croatia   207  
Cyprus   108  
Czech   26  
Denmark   6  
Ecuador   136  
Egypt   41  
England   130 025  
Estonia   63  
Finland   31  
France   676  
Georgia   98  
Germany   1 887  
Ghana   47  
Greece   16  
Ireland   14  
Israel   11  
Italy   73  
Japan   0  
Kazakhstan   0  
Latvia   11  
Lithuania   85  
Mexico   143  
Moldova   20  
Netherlands   124  
Nigeria   195  
Norway   127  
Paraguay   26  
Peru   74  
Poland   87  
Portugal   1  
Romania   217  
Russia   1 687  
Scotland   10  
Serbia   119  
Slovakia   68  
Slovenia   76  
South Africa   115  
Spain   98  
Sweden   9  
Switzerland   103  
Turkey   31  
USA   80  
Ukraine   166  
Uruguay   56  
Venezuela   0  
Wales   6  
total   73 138 049 58