


League: Premier
Team: Slovan_B
Days in game: 3691
on the team account: 1 497 019 300 $

Experience of team: 960.56/1050
Quantity of footballers: 25
Salary expenses for all footballers: 411 658 500 $
Stadium: Pasienky Stadion 250 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 11
goalkeepers GK
31 Martin Trnovsky 34.005 0 15 691 800 252
full-backs D
25 Lukas Pauschek 29.310 0 11 632 600 760
222 Myenty Abena 34.910 0 13 383 100 859
222 Richard Guzmics 37.830 0 14 139 000 1070
222 Jurij Medvedev 42.990 0 18 898 100 419
half-backs MD
222 Joeri de Kamps 40.611 81 17 496 500 515
77 David Holman   40.966 75 17 819 100 516
77 Ibrahim Rabiu 44.475 17 21 320 900 144
222 Denis Potoma 47.825 321 17 677 600 1103
forwards FC
222 Lesly de Sa   54.255 627 20 068 200 552
77 Aleksandar Cavric 65.025 1441 18 504 700 1118
reserve: 14
goalkeepers GK
77 Michal Sulla   19.510 0 9 216 500 4
full-backs D
77 Vasil Bozhikov   38.360 0 18 567 300 15
5 Richard Krizan   30.810 0 14 788 300 24
77 Vernon De Marco   39.480 0 19 137 100 36
222 Adam Laczko   43.014 0 20 700 700 120
36 Lucas Lovat   35.410 0 17 106 300 22
half-backs MD
8 Jaromir Zmrhal   36.370 1 17 610 500 17
7 Vladimir Weiss   33.605 1 16 234 800 15
222 Davide Agazzi   31.020 0 14 856 900 28
222 Alen Mustafic   28.675 7 13 750 800 20
forwards FC
222 Philip Zinckernagel   24.155 81 10 886 400 102
222 Moha     50.030 784 16 106 500 890
222 Ivan Schranz   34.175 113 15 797 300 166
77 Ezekiel Henty   43.744 39 20 267 500 60
total: 25 / 25 960.56   411 658 500  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 26.627 119.941
center 131.251 115.747
right flank 110.929 109.362
Power of stuff: 613.859
trainer Jozef Valovic (5 lvl)
Official matches: wins/losses 4.4928 games: 4016
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 4.1250 games: 2221
The number of won private leagues: 43

Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
Bulgaria   394  
England   1 840  
Germany   561  
Latvia   277  
Lithuania   71  
Portugal   156  
Russia   1 285  
Slovakia   107 704 459  
Slovenia   376  
Spain   512  
Switzerland   266  
Turkey   249  
Ukraine   174  
total   2160 107 710 620 1