


League: not entered
Team: Shqiptaret
Days in game: 497
on the team account: 6 777 365 777 $

Experience of team: 183.068/200
Quantity of footballers: 26
Salary expenses for all footballers: 54 428 400 $
Stadium: 5 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 11
goalkeepers GK
59 Rudi Vata 2.992 0 81 200 12
full-backs D
47 Elvin Beqiri 2.992 0 81 200 12
34 Geri Cipi 8.182 0 545 900 846
21 Arlind Ajeti 7.100 0 1 551 000 0
half-backs MD
67 Altin Haxhi 3.193 18 122 300 255
44 Ermir Lenjani 5.109 0 230 300 203
56 Ervin Bulku 5.102 0 251 600 0
92 Lorik Cana 7.122 0 1 566 800 20
50 Hamdi Salihi 3.147 29 109 300 178
forwards FC
67 Alban Bushi 3.271 90 129 500 255
63 Altin Rraklli 3.062 18 91 700 58
reserve: 15
goalkeepers GK
43 Arjan Beqaj   3.876 0 518 000 0
73 Foto Strakosha   6.382 0 4 936 500 522
74 Etrit Berisha   10.644 0 4 823 000 0
full-backs D
48 Arian Xhumba   10.648 0 4 824 000 0
50 Mergim Mavraj   10.836 0 4 918 000 0
68 Andi Lila   10.512 0 4 756 000 0
11 Kristi Vangjeli   5.392 0 429 000 0
43 Frederic Veseli   10.482 0 4 741 000 0
half-backs MD
43 Ledian Memushaj   7.840 0 1 921 000 0
73 Ansi Agolli   5.876 0 637 600 0
53 Sokol Cikalleshi   9.860 86 939 300 630
75 Ervin Skela   7.872 0 1 936 000 0
forwards FC
38 Armando Sadiku   10.202 0 4 601 000 0
41 Edmond Kapllani   10.876 0 4 938 200 0
48 Bekim Balaj   10.498 0 4 749 000 0
total: 26 / 25 183.068   54 428 400  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 3.567 16.038
center 15.314 15.153
right flank 3.98 11.932
Power of stuff: 65.985
trainer Radomir Antic (1 lvl)
Official matches: wins/losses 0.0000 games: 0
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 5.5000 games: 1216
The number of won private leagues: 40
Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
Croatia   1 449  
total   1 1 449 1