


League: Premier
Team: Racing_Club
Days in game: 3114
on the team account: 11 323 369 385 $

Experience of team: 534.155/750
Quantity of footballers: 24
Salary expenses for all footballers: 241 434 100 $
Stadium: Racing 250 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 11
goalkeepers GK
77 Gaston Gomez 35.910 0 17 070 900 320
full-backs D
222 Lisandro Magallan 17.440 0 7 067 500 887
4 Ivan Alexis Pillud 17.920 0 7 697 200 466
2 Marcelo Diaz 15.430 0 6 366 400 645
33 Gonzalo Piovi 18.115 0 7 979 200 493
half-backs MD
77 David Barbona 26.565 110 10 956 000 982
77 Nery Dominguez   20.505 98 8 502 700 584
7 Gabriel Agustin Hauche 27.340 15 13 014 400 73
forwards FC
32 Claudio Spinelli 21.670 112 9 763 600 167
222 Jean-Christophe Bahebeck 27.370 503 9 785 300 797
9 Nicolas Reniero 18.225 50 8 256 200 69
reserve: 13
goalkeepers GK
21 Gabriel Arias   24.455 0 11 702 000 4
full-backs D
222 Yuri Zhuravlev   20.560 0 8 765 300 124
13 Horst Hoettges   40.405 0 19 572 000 97
15 Lorenzo Staelens   31.165 0 15 053 000 92
55 Jimmy Nicholl   15.385 0 7 156 500 0
half-backs MD
20 Pius Dorn   19.015 0 9 000 000 0
77 Mauricio Martinez   29.330 3 14 136 600 37
19 Leonel Miranda   11.620 0 5 307 000 0
99 Igor Korneev   24.000 40 11 155 400 127
forwards FC
5 Alex Timossi Andersson   18.490 0 8 695 500 0
12 Ferdy Druijf   16.170 83 7 056 900 81
34 Cedric Bakambu   20.335 16 9 531 000 22
15 Davide Diaw   16.735 0 7 843 500 0
total: 24 / 25 534.155   241 434 100  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 37.019 64.086
center 51.865 50.392
right flank 52.848 64.223
Power of stuff: 320.435
trainer Ricardo Zamora (5 lvl)
Official matches: wins/losses 3.1205 games: 4167
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 7.4412 games: 319
The number of won private leagues: 1

Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
Argentina   6 544 589  
Brazil   659  
Chile   289  
Colombia   24  
Denmark   60  
France   194  
Ghana   375  
Ireland   38  
Israel   23  
Japan   0  
Moldova   45  
Netherlands   111  
Nigeria   173  
Paraguay   33  
Portugal   292  
Russia   2  
Spain   246  
total   141 6 547 153 1