


League: not entered
Team: Manchester_City_FC
Days in game: 4555
on the team account: 22 508 475 488 $

Experience of team: 1265.015/1500
Quantity of footballers: 25
Salary expenses for all footballers: 536 652 400 $
Stadium: Etihad Stadium 250 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 11
goalkeepers GK
8 Dimitry Bertaud   65.520 0 26 783 600 881
full-backs D
  Mats Wieffer 65.520 0 30 470 500 331
10 Berat Djimsiti 65.415 0 26 350 900 1062
  Quilindschy Hartman 65.520 0 28 502 400 974
half-backs MD
8 Ramiz Zerrouki 65.520 150 25 344 800 1067
  Daan Heymans 65.520 209 26 907 700 701
forwards FC
  Danil Khromov 11.920 0 5 431 500 0
  Bakhtiyor Zaynutdinov   65.520 3942 11 817 800 1176
8 Francisco Moura 65.520 2180 23 558 300 1198
9 Luuk de Jong 65.520 496 28 490 400 377
77 Emir Sahiti   65.530 1013 23 750 900 966
reserve: 14
goalkeepers GK
  Egor Besaev   50.455 0 24 459 000 0
255 Tom Glover   15.235 0 7 155 000 0
full-backs D
1 Dominic Thompson   37.065 0 17 726 300 255
  Marcus Holmgren Pedersen   59.700 0 28 282 100 42
2 Rick Karsdorp   32.930 0 15 755 500 37
99 Gernot Trauner   45.835 0 22 037 400 162
  Andrey Savinov   14.960 0 6 916 500 0
half-backs MD
3 Kaan Kairinen   48.635 58 22 433 700 343
  Alireza Jahanbakhsh   65.535 486 26 359 100 1070
25 Jelle Bataille   38.950 2 18 787 900 36
  Yaroslav Arbuzov   40.425 46 19 313 400 64
  Mathias Normann   47.175 4 22 770 400 30
forwards FC
  Tosin Aiyegun   43.220 12 20 923 300 15
11 Aliou Balde   57.870 225 26 324 000 376
total: 25 / 25 1265.015   536 652 400  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 195.916 156.156
center 141.96 184.411
right flank 89.054 70.98
Power of stuff: 838.478
trainer Latysh Nikolay (5 lvl)
Official matches: wins/losses 1.9122 games: 6783
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 1.3003 games: 12711
The number of won private leagues: 31

Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
England   234 997 958  
total   4700 234 997 958 1