


League: not entered
Team: MalagaCF
Days in game: 5718
on the team account: 40 052 682 483 $

Experience of team: 1441.77/1500
Quantity of footballers: 22
Salary expenses for all footballers: 555 620 800 $
Stadium: 250 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 11
goalkeepers GK
100 Ladislao Mazurkiewicz 65.535 0 26 877 100 736
full-backs D
1 Franz Beckenbauer 65.535 0 28 402 500 776
100 Berti Vogts 65.535 0 22 850 400 1004
100 Schwarzenbeck 65.535 0 26 379 200 825
half-backs MD
100 Franz Roth 65.535 165 29 865 300 726
100 Bernd Duernberger 65.535 159 29 623 700 776
100 Dino Sani 65.535 2198 17 753 300 1100
forwards FC
1 Oliver Bierhoff 65.535 300 25 374 600 229
100 Zlatan Ibrahimovic 65.535 2532 25 510 800 1018
100 Miroslav Klose 65.535 284 27 821 300 132
100 Jairzinho   65.535 1191 21 198 600 881
reserve: 11
goalkeepers GK
1 Enrico Albertosi   65.535 0 33 157 200 114
full-backs D
100 Franco Baresi   65.535 0 29 313 600 334
1 Vasili Danilov     65.535 0 22 578 300 876
212 Marco Tardelli     65.535 1258 23 708 100 1135
1 Vladimir Ponomarev   65.535 0 25 116 800 876
212 Antonio Cabrini   65.535 1377 24 327 700 1129
half-backs MD
100 Hans Nunoo Sarpei     65.535 2074 23 153 800 717
100 Simon Marklund   65.535 2096 19 216 100 1000
3 Galimzyan Khusainov   65.535 2007 17 506 200 990
100 Davy van den Berg   65.535 1271 27 706 200 594
1 Uli Hoeneb   65.535 131 28 180 000 293
total: 22 / 25 1441.77   555 620 800  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 106.493 134.892
center 184.589 184.589
right flank 174.649 134.892
Power of stuff: 920.106
trainer Ralf Rangnick (5 lvl)
Official matches: wins/losses 5.4320 games: 7154
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 3.3200 games: 6710
The number of won private leagues: 0

Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
Spain   99 000 009  
total   1980 99 000 009 1