


League: not entered
Team: Krivonog
Days in game: 5048
last login 1217 days ago
on the team account: 3 165 786 890 $

Experience of team: 87.103/200
Quantity of footballers: 21
Salary expenses for all footballers: 7 541 500 $
Stadium: ZVERI 250 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 8
goalkeepers GK
  Christian Obi 3.775 0 414 700 797
full-backs D
  Tita 5.687 0 1 822 100 1139
half-backs MD
7 Daniel Edusei   4.320 14 306 200 351
99 Okon Ene Effa 4.477 47 486 600 830
forwards FC
10 Samuel Ajorinde   5.661 162 409 400 563
  Platini 5.140 53 284 800 237
88 Fatima   5.158 94 328 800 370
6 Helena H Johannesen 7.109 321 550 100 889
reserve: 13
goalkeepers GK
23 Murphy Akanji   2.598 0 259 100 810
full-backs D
2 Sandej Eboh   3.019 0 237 000 510
3 Moses Adams     2.546 0 319 300 1067
5 Uche Okechukwu   2.645 0 141 800 298
4 Niki Cross     3.349 0 443 400 1199
half-backs MD
8 Enrique Torres     2.650 6 107 400 133
15 Omonigho Temile   2.628 19 132 100 228
36 Stanley Ihugba   2.560 19 168 200 354
forwards FC
  Emanuele Bardelloni   5.000 0 200 800 3
13 Obele Okebe   3.889 348 314 200 810
39 Paul Babba   4.910 1 203 400 23
9 Aleksandar Covin     5.022 2 202 900 9
10 Johan Nas   4.960 8 209 200 36
total: 21 / 25 87.103   7 541 500  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 20.237 5.949
center 8.763 10.432
right flank 6.705 1.635
Power of stuff: 53.723
trainer Kosta Papic (3 lvl)
Official matches: wins/losses 0.8551 games: 5255
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 1.2649 games: 28818
The number of won private leagues: 58

Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
Belarus   652  
Nigeria   6 315  
Russia   625  
Ukraine   1 248  
total   4 8 840 1