

League: Premier
Team: Casino_Royale
Days in game: 3482
last login 22 days ago
on the team account: 66 695 052 $

Experience of team: 1031.344/1050
Quantity of footballers: 24
Salary expenses for all footballers: 236 457 700 $
Stadium: Flash Royale 250 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 11
goalkeepers GK
99 Edwin Villafuerte 17.423 0 5 272 200 1028
full-backs D
5 Carlos Caicedo 17.503 106 5 195 600 670
66 Mercado 10.375 0 4 572 500 120
2 Xavier Arreaga 10.465 0 4 565 500 92
6 Luis Alberto Caicedo 20.503 558 5 078 100 622
4 Gabriel Cortez 20.507 674 5 017 500 506
half-backs MD
  Adin Civa 1.420 0 83 500 95
55 Christian Noboa 20.732 509 5 123 800 659
forwards FC
12 Diego Avila 23.130 1052 5 169 000 648
88 Juan Luis Anangono 26.246 1170 5 447 600 973
78 Omar Andrade 26.975 1216 5 500 100 961
reserve: 13
goalkeepers GK
1 Danny Carvajal   61.775 1331 18 761 600 874
full-backs D
3 Porfirio Lopez     53.405 3049 8 864 400 867
2 Gabriel Badilla   65.535 1974 17 544 400 1066
half-backs MD
33 Richard Castaneda   65.535 3221 14 103 600 1060
30 Simen Kind Mikalsen   65.535 2913 13 503 200 1028
34 Junior Alvarado     65.535 3100 13 353 800 984
35 Luis Stewart Perez   65.535 3115 14 269 000 1059
36 Pekka Lagerblum   65.535 3037 14 758 100 1072
forwards FC
32 Rolando Fonseca   65.535 3105 13 404 200 1063
38 Mayron George   65.535 3214 15 076 100 982
39 Luis Saenz     65.535 3229 13 511 200 1007
37 Giovannie Clunie   65.535 3211 13 710 400 990
31 Froylan Ledezma   65.535 3305 14 572 300 992
total: 24 / 25 1031.344   236 457 700  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 35.067 40.952
center 48.509 49.204
right flank 34.119 45.579
Power of stuff: 253.431
trainer Gerard van der Lem (5 lvl)
Official matches: wins/losses 2.7271 games: 2137
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 1.1369 games: 5556
The number of won private leagues: 16

Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
Ecuador   697 274  
total   14 697 274 1