


League: Premier
Team: Atletico_Junior
Days in game: 2590
last login 9 days ago
on the team account: 728 108 738 $

Experience of team: 138.775/200
Quantity of footballers: 15
Salary expenses for all footballers: 44 851 100 $
Stadium: Estadio Metropolitano 249 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 11
goalkeepers GK
99 Billal Slimani 11.775 0 4 973 800 904
full-backs D
5 Francis Boateng 10.751 0 4 830 700 673
3 Gerome Agbo 11.655 0 4 941 700 864
16 Dramane Konate 10.159 0 4 712 700 501
half-backs MD
44 Adrian Lyszczarz 12.813 63 910 200 1065
77 Mihalis CHadzis 4.660 7 240 400 138
1 Borja Valero 9.750 3 4 524 700 75
8 Maximiliano Gaston   4.965 0 200 000 4
forwards FC
7 Gaston Batista 10.095 44 4 544 500 112
33 Borges Teixeira 16.867 526 5 108 500 965
9 Maximiliano Batista 9.975 31 4 542 300 112
reserve: 4
goalkeepers GK
1 Celestine Damptey   4.820 0 221 500 80
half-backs MD
5 Diego Perotti   10.000 1 4 518 300 36
14 Artur Amiryan     4.970 8 268 600 166
forwards FC
18 Gaston Fernandez   5.520 56 313 200 235
total: 15 / 25 138.775   44 851 100  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 15.996 15.706
center 23.763 41.36
right flank 30.255 20.418
Power of stuff: 147.5
trainer Giovanni Vavassori (5 lvl)
Official matches: wins/losses 1.7193 games: 1376
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 5.0000 games: 32
The number of won private leagues: 1

Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
Colombia   5 256 665  
total   150 5 256 665 1