


League: Premier
Team: AMG_63
Days in game: 2966
last login 1 days ago
on the team account: 181 916 947 $

Experience of team: 1022.782/1050
Quantity of footballers: 25
Salary expenses for all footballers: 253 880 100 $
Stadium: Mercedes 250 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 11
goalkeepers GK
1 Henri Sillanpaa 20.290 196 5 512 600 827
full-backs D
4 Rami Hakanpjae 20.276 183 5 492 900 812
33 Pyry Karkkajnen 18.347 0 5 620 400 868
6 Juhani Ojala 18.300 0 5 617 700 835
half-backs MD
23 Kalle Kauppi 20.730 193 5 280 600 902
11 Matias Ojala   21.020 243 5 308 100 876
forwards FC
9 Jarno Mattila 30.860 1472 6 044 000 533
99 Weights Helenius 31.207 1606 5 517 500 651
10 Saku Ylatupa 31.074 1446 5 586 800 789
7 Antonio Inutile 31.562 1502 5 633 800 836
19 Ville Salmikivi 31.634 1527 5 639 200 772
reserve: 14
goalkeepers GK
99 Ferran Pol   53.355 2320 12 330 500 989
111 Sokratis Dioudis   59.084 2465 14 415 100 706
full-backs D
111 Rodolfo Gonzalez   61.802 3042 12 882 400 881
5 Carl Jenkinson   19.070 18 5 988 600 719
111 Evan Brandon John   60.933 3041 12 623 100 868
111 Randy Samuel   65.535 2972 15 853 700 943
111 Parwinder Singh   65.535 2974 15 998 800 953
half-backs MD
111 Evgheni Oancea   51.421 1444 16 494 800 389
111 Luka Islic   52.887 1936 15 026 600 527
forwards FC
111 Shefki Kuqi   56.961 2642 12 776 300 759
111 Mikko Barsk   53.742 2049 14 712 300 587
111 Eero Markkanen   39.237 862 13 741 500 275
111 Markus Hangelin   53.950 2041 14 813 300 576
111 Juuso Majava   53.970 2031 14 969 500 566
total: 25 / 25 1022.782   253 880 100  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 81.52 32.582
center 71.809 57.733
right flank 81.599 32.643
Power of stuff: 357.888
trainer Jorge Burruchaga (5 lvl)
Official matches: wins/losses 1.8436 games: 1781
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 0.8793 games: 7674
The number of won private leagues: 13

Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
Cameroon   1 968  
Colombia   10 339  
Finland   50 408  
Lithuania   21 171  
total   4 83 886 4