


League: Premier
Days in game: 4594
on the team account: 7 800 246 102 $

Experience of team: 381.765/500
Quantity of footballers: 29
Salary expenses for all footballers: 167 494 900 $
Stadium: Estadio Monumental 250 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 11
goalkeepers GK
1 Theo Sander 13.445 0 5 030 000 1093
full-backs D
  Simon Kjaer 10.235 0 4 525 600 51
2 Malek Bakhi 11.615 0 4 796 200 673
4 Jonathan Foss 10.075 0 4 567 600 187
half-backs MD
6 Oliver Sorensen 11.250 33 4 655 800 319
  Thomas Kahlenberg 12.570 60 4 952 800 611
  Christian Eriksen 13.370 161 4 868 000 611
forwards FC
9 Sebastian Jorgensen   13.135 219 4 704 600 348
11 Yousef Salech 13.215 203 4 721 000 375
14 Charly Horneman   16.450 387 5 018 500 926
10 Asbjorn Bondergaard 10.615 62 4 574 800 177
reserve: 18
goalkeepers GK
  Andreas Dithmer   14.995 0 7 179 500 0
full-backs D
  Malthe Bondergaard   14.950 0 7 157 000 0
3 Mikkel Fischer   10.480 0 4 740 000 0
  Gustav Fraulo   14.980 0 7 172 000 0
  Giorgio Chiellini   10.585 0 4 792 500 0
  Ludwig Vraa-Jensen   14.965 0 7 169 000 0
half-backs MD
  Adam Daghim   14.995 0 7 179 500 0
5 Noah Nartey   10.780 0 4 887 000 0
8 Matt O Riley   10.480 0 4 740 000 0
12 Valdemar Andreasen   17.755 1 8 482 000 0
  Markus Jensen   14.950 0 7 157 000 0
  Oscar Hojlund   14.860 0 6 882 000 0
7 Alexander Lyng   10.480 0 4 740 000 0
forwards FC
  Tobias Augustinus-Jensen   14.860 0 7 112 000 0
  Oliver Ross     14.950 0 6 927 000 0
  Jeppe Corfitzen   14.980 0 6 942 000 0
19 Isak Jensen   10.750 0 4 872 000 0
  Emil Hojlund   14.995 0 6 949 500 0
total: 29 / 25 381.765   167 494 900  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 29.555 27.093
center 28.662 24.924
right flank 38.29 28.237
Power of stuff: 176.764
trainer Stale Solbakken (5 lvl)
Official matches: wins/losses 1.2393 games: 6051
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 1.8513 games: 216208
The number of won private leagues: 874

Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
Argentina   1 084 676 258  
Armenia   1 000 389 568  
Australia   3 330 968  
Austria   5 770 281  
Belarus   141 626  
Belgium   1 172 786  
Bulgaria   117 151  
Cameroon   1 018 776 884  
Czech   1 000 000 303  
Denmark   1 247 124 046  
Egypt   4 273 943  
England   1 100 350 715  
Finland   394 634 293  
France   1 572 488 968  
Georgia   10 315 016  
Germany   1 036 453 072  
Greece   1 422 312  
Ireland   182 850  
Italy   1 105 470 640  
Japan   1 020 163 293  
Kazakhstan   1 005 811 927  
Lithuania   6 256 850  
Netherlands   1 074 757 029  
Norway   1 294  
Poland   4 684 404  
Portugal   1 007 290 152  
Romania   716 404  
Russia   1 087 834 435  
Serbia   1 000 805 386  
South Africa   540 653  
Spain   1 173 820 655  
Sweden   11 378 033  
Turkey   147  
USA   1 048 508 601  
Ukraine   1 124 468 793  
Uruguay   8 881 310  
Venezuela   372 294  
total   771626 20 163 383 340 0