


League: Premier
Team: KKS_Lech_Poznan
Days in game: 2991
on the team account: 68 458 501 563 $

Experience of team: 814.566/1050
Quantity of footballers: 24
Salary expenses for all footballers: 383 586 400 $
Stadium: INEA Stadion 250 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 11
goalkeepers GK
41 Bartosz Mrozek 10.997 0 4 796 800 651
full-backs D
16 Antonio Milic 11.960 0 5 138 400 905
  Tomasz Jodlowiec 11.315 0 4 916 400 770
18 Bartosz Salamon 10.960 0 4 827 900 548
  Bartosz Bereszynski 12.859 0 6 170 600 216
half-backs MD
  Jacek Goralski 11.445 36 5 059 800 240
8 Ali Gholizadeh 10.730 0 4 862 200 22
5 Elias Andersson 10.440 20 4 609 700 207
6 Jesper Karlstrom 17.870 90 7 815 000 656
forwards FC
50 Adriel D Avila Ba Loua 31.965 1576 6 524 300 1095
11 Kristoffer Velde 18.255 31 8 102 900 87
reserve: 13
goalkeepers GK
35 Filip Bednarek   65.535 0 32 722 500 0
full-backs D
  Tomasz Waldoch   54.085 0 24 262 500 0
30 Nika Kvekveskiri   64.465 0 30 843 000 0
  Piotr Czachowski   10.045 0 4 527 700 22
2 Joel Pereira   65.535 0 32 958 900 0
23 Miha Blazic   13.405 0 6 133 500 0
25 Filip Dagerstal   15.295 0 6 762 000 0
44 Alan Czerwinski   65.535 0 35 367 600 0
half-backs MD
22 Radoslaw Murawski   62.725 0 29 335 500 0
  Miroslaw Szymkowiak   61.780 0 29 226 000 0
21 Dino Hotic   52.195 0 24 937 500 0
forwards FC
9 Mikael Ishak   59.635 0 28 620 000 0
90 Artur Sobiech   65.535 11 35 065 700 0
total: 24 / 25 814.566   383 586 400  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 10.273 39.109
center 64.248 34.844
right flank 27.45 30.506
Power of stuff: 206.432
trainer Jacek Zielinski (5 lvl)
Official matches: wins/losses 1.3368 games: 2177
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 1.3782 games: 20971
The number of won private leagues: 45

Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
Poland   18 393  
total   1 18 393 1