


League: Premier
Team: FC-Viktoria-Plzen
Days in game: 954
on the team account: 8 973 460 397 $

Experience of team: 262.798/500
Quantity of footballers: 25
Salary expenses for all footballers: 111 731 300 $
Stadium: Doosan Arena 250 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 11
goalkeepers GK
  Ales Mandous 9.965 0 4 506 500 17
full-backs D
  Filip Panak 9.965 0 4 507 100 17
4 Libor Holik 8.945 0 2 050 900 1145
4 Jakub Brabec 10.237 0 4 999 700 1194
4 Tomas Holes 9.950 0 4 506 500 19
half-backs MD
  Lukas Sadilek 9.620 8 4 576 700 202
  Tomas Ostrak 9.371 89 4 846 600 991
  Lukas Kalvach 9.960 0 4 506 600 17
  Ondrej Zmrzly 9.970 1 4 506 200 17
forwards FC
  Tomas Chory 16.075 1021 904 700 1145
44 Adam Nemec 10.566 5 4 792 000 19
reserve: 14
goalkeepers GK
  Tomas Koubek   10.664 0 4 827 000 0
4 Tomas Vaclik   10.472 0 4 732 600 0
full-backs D
4 Michal Kadlec   10.580 0 4 786 000 0
4 Jaroslav Zeleny   10.098 0 4 548 200 0
  Tomas Wiesner   10.680 0 4 835 200 0
15 Ales Mateju   10.736 0 4 861 600 0
half-backs MD
  Marek Havlik   10.686 0 4 836 600 0
  David Jurasek   10.718 0 4 853 000 0
4 Lukas Masopust   10.690 0 4 838 600 0
14 Jan Sykora   10.696 0 4 851 600 0
  Filip Kaloc   10.708 0 4 848 000 0
15 Petr Sevcik   10.684 0 4 835 600 0
  Michal Hlavaty   10.682 0 4 834 600 0
forwards FC
4 Michal Krmencik   10.080 0 4 539 200 0
total: 25 / 25 262.798   111 731 300  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 3.045 22.654
center 37.865 38.068
right flank 16.861 26.856
Power of stuff: 145.351
trainer Jaroslav Silhavy (1 lvl)
Official matches: wins/losses 0.6242 games: 560
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 1.4414 games: 939
The number of won private leagues: 25
Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
Czech   2 423  
total   1 2 423 1